Are you looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship?
We’ll help find one that matches your interests and goals and support you through your journey.
Are you an Employer looking for an apprentice or trainee?
We can help you find the perfect candidate and provide support through the apprenticeship journey.
Do you know a friend or family member looking for a job, apprenticeship or traineeship?
Let us help to find the right support for them.
Which of our employment services is right for you?
Individual Empowerment Network Pty Ltd trading as ITEC Employment is a Provider contracted by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to provide Workforce Australia Services and Australian Apprenticeship Support Services to prospective and current Australian Apprentices and Employers of Australian Apprentices. ITEC Employment is one of a number of Apprentice Connect Australia Providers in the Queensland Service Region. This website does not represent the Australian Government.
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